
  • “The New California Limited Liability Company Act” California Business Law Practitioner, Spring 1996

  • "The Synthetic Lease:  Off-Balance-Sheet Financing of the Acquisition of Real Property," The Real Estate Finance Journal, Fall, 1998 (Quoted in Strategy and Place; Managing Corporate Real Estate and Facilities for Competitive Advantage, Martha A. O’Mara. Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1999

  • "The Synthetic Lease:  Off-Balance Sheet Financing of the Acquisition of Real Property," California Real Property Journal, Spring, 1998

  • "A Sample Operating Agreement for a Limited Liability Company Engaged in a Real Estate Venture," California Business Law Practitioner, Spring 1996

  • "Operating a Real Estate Venture Through a California Limited Liability Company," California Business Law Practitioner, Spring 1995

  • Co-author with Grant Fondo, "Legal Aspects of the Year 2000 Problem," Santa Clara Law Review, Vol. 39, No. 3 1999.

  • Quoted in Entrepreneur, “Seven Qualities to Look for in a Lawyer” February 28, 2013.